“Don't be afraid to work hard. If it's easy, it's not working," Tony Horton

Nutrition Myths:

Carbs are evil…

You need carbohydrates in your diet BUT not the refined and enriched ones! You need the fiber and nutrients found in the whole wheat and whole grains!  Whole wheat pastas and breads, oats, and brown rice are great sources for this! Skip the white bread, white rice, and enriched white flour! And just because it says “wheat” doesn’t mean it is! It must say 100% whole wheat!

Fat is evil too…

This is a conspiracy back in the day to convince people that eating foods with fat in them was bad, however, eating foods without fat often leads to foods filled with sugars and sodium (added for flavor). You need to consume mono- and poly- unsaturated fats, found in fish or you can supplement with omega-3’s!


I should starve myself to lose weight…

WRONG! You want to be lean and thin? You must EAT 5-6 small meals a day with healthy lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables! In starving yourself you are causing your body to eat your metabolism revving muscle tissue and your body goes into starvation mode!

Skip the coffee for better health…

It’s okay you CAN have your cup of Joe every day but skip the sugar and cream! These are what make coffee unhealthy, sweeten with stevia or splenda! Coffee has health benefits such as antioxidants, reduced type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, and even cardiovascular diseases!

Red meat will give you a heart attack…

Nope! This refers to over processed meats such as hotdogs and bacon but having a lean steak or other lean cuts of meat are a good source of iron, B vitamins, and of course healthy fats and protein! So go ahead and enjoy!

Eggs are cholesterol bombs…

This is an old trend that had people swearing off eggs all together! What a loss for their bodies! Eggs are a good source of protein, vitamins, and healthy fats, and good cholesterol (which helps lower the bad kind!). So enjoy your eggs!

Diet soda is safer…

Just because it has 0 calories does NOT make it good for you! It is laden with harmful sweeteners that just cause you to want sweets later on! Also, people interpret this calorie deficit in soda as an opportunity to add more calories in later! Drop the soda all together and pick up some good old fashioned water!!  

Organic and natural are the best…

The FDA does not really have a definition or regulation for this yet but it does not always mean better! Go for organic when you eat the skins (apples, potatoes, peppers, etc!) and go for natural when looking for no added sugar (Peanut butter for example) but just because your chips say “all natural” does not make them good for you! This is a gimmick by the companies that you should not fall for! So be smart with your labels!

5/31/2012 07:24:10 pm

Great info, thanks

7/12/2012 12:47:39 pm

THX for info


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