The holidays are a crazy time of year between gifts, parties, family members, cooking and of course the holiday weight gain woes too. That certainly adds a lot to a person’s stress levels!!

Here are some easy tips for you to keep it cool this year!

o   Make sure you still workout…even just 15 minutes will make you feel better

o   Plan your meals…don’t leave any room for stress with what you will eat! Know what it will be and when/where it will come from.

o   Accept that things will not be picture perfect…yes your family will probably mess something up but this is the time of year to just enjoy family!! SO LAUGH!

o   Take a relaxing bath to unwind

o   Make a play list that will help relieve tension

o   Read a book!

o   Plan ahead

o   Scream…yes go ahead!

o   Make to do lists

o   Laugh!

o   Enjoy some wine

o   Write it out

The bottom line is whether it is money, family, fitness this time of year is crazy! So just embrace it and take it head on J

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