It is easy for someone to say I want to reduce my body fat by 50% or I want to lose 20 pounds and sure those are great goals but without a game plan these are not likely to happen. The key is to set goals that meet the SMART criteria!

Specific- So for example, I want to lose weight is NOT specific! Instead I want to lose ___ pounds

Measurable- By measurable I mean set a number with it like above example losing 20 pounds

Attainable- Can this goal actually happen? For example, I want to lose 20 pounds is attainable…but not in one week!! In this case the best thing to do is to break down that goal into mini chunks like: I want to lose 2 pounds per week.

Realistic- Are you in a spot right now where this goal can happen? Are you willing to work for it? These are questions to ask in order to find out how realistic these goals actually are!

Timely- set a deadline! I will be ___ weight by ___ 2013. If your goals are just hanging out there in the breeze there is little pressure to actually accomplish these.

All goals are possible with a little planning, research, and of course commitment!

Have you set any goals for 2013?

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